Sublime Text
Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose - any kind of text file. You'll love the slick user interface and extraordinary features.
WideStudio is an open source, Integrated Development Environment for desktop applications purely made in Japan. This enables you to develop GUI applications that can run...
widestudio is an open source, integrated development environment for desktop applications purely made in japan. this enables you to develop gui applications that can run on windows95/98/me/nt/2000/xp, windowsce, linux, freebsd, solaris, macosx(w/x11), btron, tengine, muclinux(wo/x11) in various programming languages such as c/c++, java, perl, ruby, python,objective caml since an application is build on mwt(multiplatform widget toolkit) which runs on multiple platforms, widestudio applications are all source compatible between these platforms. if you developped an application in c/c++ language, you only need to recompile the source code to run on a different platform in as native code.
Discontinued development multi-platform cross-platform java python ruby ide sdk c-plus-plus rapid-application-development builder