Puppy Linux
Linux is a free operating system, and Puppy Linux is a special build of Linux meant to make computing easy and fast.
Whonix aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity by helping you use your applications anonymously. A web browser, IRC client, word processor, and more come pre-configured with security in mind.
whonix aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity by helping you use your applications anonymously. a web browser, irc client, word processor, and more come preconfigured with security in mind.
it is a complete operating system, designed to be used inside a host operating system. it is free software and based on tor, debian gnu/linux, and security by isolation.
whonix consists of two parts: one solely runs tor and acts as a gateway, which we call whonixgateway. the other, which we call whonixworkstation, is on a completely isolated network. this is security by isolation, and it averts many threats posed by malware, misbehaving applications, and user error. only connections through tor are possible.
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Productivity Developer Tools Utilities Security
privacy-protection linux-operating-systems security-and-privacy security-utilities tor privacy-control