Based on the convenient drag ’n’ drop technique, TaggedFrog allows you to organize your files, documents and Web links. Just add objects to the library and tag them with any keywords. That’s it.
WhereIsIt is an application written for Windows operating systems, and designed to help you maintain and organize a catalog of your computer media collection, including CD-ROMs and DVDs, audio CDs, diskettes, removable drives, hard drives...
whereisit is an application written for windows operating systems, and designed to help you maintain and organize a catalog of your computer media collection, including cdroms and dvds, audio cds, diskettes, removable drives, hard drives, network drives, remote file servers, or any other present or future storage media device windows can access as a drive.the primary goal for whereisit is to provide access to the contents of cataloged disks, even when they are not available on the system, or even they are not your own. you can browse their contents, search for files or folders you need, use imported descriptions and thumbnails, organize data using categories and flags etc.
Portable Tag based Multiple languages File search File tagging Indexed search
Productivity Audio and Music Online Services File Management Burn and Rip
portable tag-based multi-language tagging organizer Discontinued search-tool file-search file-tagging indexed-search audio-cd cataloging cd-catalog cd-collection collection-manager