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Visual information management for creatives - Organize knowledge intuitively using cards and boards Webjets allows you managing any kind of information with ease. Place cards freely, or group them at the speed of thought.
visual information management for creatives organize knowledge intuitively using cards and boards
webjets allows you managing any kind of information with ease. place cards freely, or group them at the speed of thought. any content collected from the web automagically turns into an interactive card. use drag and drop, a bookmarklet or even ifttt to push your data into webjets.
you can create boards and mindmaps upload images, videos, pdfs organize lists of tasks, kanban, todos, gtd bookmark links, music, videos, notes infinite hierarchies of related information (3 dimensional relations) app integrations (youtube, wikipedia, google docs...) different presentation options (list, grid, table, mindmap...)
Official Website
MarkDown support Kanban boards Minimap Content discovery Visual bookmarks Content analysis Youtube integration Interactive Whiteboard User story mapping Visual planning Direct file uploading Frictionless publishing Bulk uploader Interactive Presentations Wikipedia integration
markdown-support kanban-board todo-manager getting-things-done mind-mapping minimap notes-manager content-curation content-discovery visual-bookmarks content-analysis information-management moodboard visual-thinking youtube-integration content-marketing interactive-whiteboard user-story-mapping visual-planning direct-file-uploading collection frictionless-publishing pinboard bulk-uploader interactive-presentations wikipedia-integration