The Battle for Wesnoth
The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme. Build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans.
webDiplomacy is a multiplayer, online version of Diplomacy, the popular turn based strategy game in which you battle to control Europe; to win you must be diplomatic and...
webDiplomacy is a multiplayer, online version of Diplomacy, the popular turn based strategy game in which you battle to control Europe; to win you must be diplomatic and strategic.
You control armies and navies and attempt to overthrow the other world powers.
strategy-game turn-based-strategy turn-based military conquest command-and-conquer conquer diplomacy
The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme. Build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans.
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Civilization is a turn-based strategy game that comes to life in a beautifully detailed, living world. Civilization offers various ways to play and win, extensive modding capabilities, and intensely competitive multiplayer options.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux iPhone iPad
Advanced Strategic Command is a free, turn based strategy game. It is designed in the tradition of the Battle Isle series from Bluebyte. ASC can be played both against...
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
Port of Freeciv to Android - similar to Civilization series.
Free Open Source Android Android Tablet
World Conqueror 1945 is a strategy game based on WWII (Super Risk). Compete for territories, conquer enemies' capitals, and destroy the enemies. During the game...
Freemium Mac OS X iPhone iPad
Imperial Domination II is a turn-based strategy game, set after the conquests of Alexander the Great and before the rise of the Romans. Expand your empire by trade...
Free Windows
An online multi-player real-time game played over several weeks where players battle and negotiate to capture half of all the stars in the galaxy.
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landrule is a turn-based strategy game. similar to age of conquest and risk . you can test your strategy against thousands of others in multiplayer mode.
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age of conquest is a medieval http://alternativein .
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OverThrown is a multiplayer turn based strategy game. FEATURES 50 players per game. Each turn is 12 hours and games go on for weeks. Players form alliances and...
Free Web
World Domination is an online multiplayer turn based game. Each player gets 24 hours to make their move. Use your armies to conquer other players' territory. ...
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