The Battle for Wesnoth
The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme. Build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans.
TripleA is a free (under GPL) turn based strategy game based on Axis & Allies board game. A wide variety of map scenarios have been developed for TripleA (World War II, Punic Wars, Napoleonic wars, etc.
triplea is a free (under gpl) turn based strategy game based on axis & allies board game. a wide variety of map scenarios have been developed for triplea (world war ii, punic wars, napoleonic wars, etc.) with a variety of rules, units and many options (such as "low luck" which reduces the number of dice rolled making game depend more on strategy).
triplea is programed in java and can run on any platform that supports java (including microsoft windows, gnu/linux, and mac os x).
for live multiplayer games, the community maintains two lobbies for the most current stable and unstable versions. it is easy to find opponents online due to the popularity of the game: 10.000 downloads every month. triplea also features a play by mail mode and an ai for single player mode.
games risk strategy-game turn-based war-game
The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme. Build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone Android Tablet BSD iPad
Great Little War Game is a 3D turn based strategy game from Rubicon. Take charge of your army and defend your strongholds against enemy attack.
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Advanced Strategic Command is a free, turn based strategy game. It is designed in the tradition of the Battle Isle series from Bluebyte. ASC can be played both against...
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Port of Freeciv to Android - similar to Civilization series.
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