We Heart It lets you create an online album (a heart) with your favorite images and videos. At the same time you can see what other people are adding to their own hearts and save it on yours to grow your collection.
A social bookmarking website for visual contents — vi.sualize.us allows you to remember your favorite images around the web, and share them with everyone. Sometimes, you are looking through pictures and one of them catches your eye.
a social bookmarking website for visual contents — vi.sualize.us allows you to remember your favorite images around the web, and share them with everyone. sometimes, you are looking through pictures and one of them catches your eye. you know you want to remember it and been able to look at it again in the future, but its not that easy: downloading to your hard disk is as useless as bookmarking the website in the usual way. this is where vi.sualize.us changes the rules. within two clicks, you can quote the image reference in your account, and easily look at it whenever you want to.
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