Microsoft Visual Studio
Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as web sites, web applications and web services.
Code combines the streamlined UI of a modern editor with rich code assistance and navigation, and an integrated debugging experience – without the need for a full IDE.
Code combines the streamlined UI of a modern editor with rich code assistance and navigation, and an integrated debugging experience – without the need for a full IDE.
Official Website
Customizable Extensible by Plugins/Extensions Support for Javascript MarkDown support Lightweight Syntax Highlighting Mercurial support Version and Source control Dark theme Plugin support Autocompletion Bugs GIT support Code completion Intellisense Multiple cursors C# Scripting Embedded debugger Built in Terminal Git integration
customizable extensible javascript-support markdown-support lightweight text-editor javascript syntax-highlighting mercurial-support version-control-system css dark-theme plugin-support autocompletion code-editor node.js bugs html programming git-support ide code-completion intellisense multiple-cursors terminal-app c-plus-plus golang asp-net c-scripting embedded-debugger built-in-terminal css3 git-integration objective-c