The Best 47 Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder Alternatives
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Picture Relate
PictureRelate compares pictures by similarity. Of course computers can't understand what's in a picture. Pattern recognition and image analysis has tried for...
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The program ImageDupeless is intended for search/find of the similar images (duplicates) in the large collections. The supported graphic file formats are JPEG, GIF, BMP...
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Using this program, you can compare images files, and print contact sheets. It works natively on Jpeg pictures and supports all Quicktime compatible picture formats. ...
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Image Deduplicator
This program can search for duplicate images even if they are saved in different formats, resolutions and color depths. Just specify a directory to be searched, and...
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Duplicate Image Detector
Duplicate Image Detector enables you to find duplciates in your image collection. Image comparison is done at the pixel level, so changing image formats will not stop...