Visual Studio Code
Code combines the streamlined UI of a modern editor with rich code assistance and navigation, and an integrated debugging experience – without the need for a full IDE.
Vim ("Vi IMproved") is an advanced text editor that allows syntax highlighting, word completion and has a huge amount of contributed content. It also has a GUI version called GVim.
vim ("vi improved") is an advanced text editor that allows syntax highlighting, word completion and has a huge amount of contributed content.
vim offers several “modes” for editing with efficiency. this makes vim a nonuserfriendly application but it is also a strength. the normal mode binds alphanumeric keys to taskoriented commands. the visual mode highlights text. the commandline mode offers more tools (for search&replace, defining functions, etc.)
vim comes with complete help.
Customizable Extensible by Plugins/Extensions Lightweight Spell checking Syntax Highlighting Plugin manager Configurability Keyboard focused Modal editor Small size Terminal based Visual Mode Word completion Works on all OSs
customizable extensible xfce lightweight spell-checking text-editor syntax-highlighting development code-editor developer-tools programming plugin-manager configurability keyboard-focused modal-editor small-size terminal-app terminal-based terminal-editor visual-mode word-completion works-on-all-oss