Secure email with absolutely no compromises, brought to you by MIT and CERN scientists. Swiss Based ProtonMail is incorporated in Switzerland and our servers are located in Switzerland.
Free and paid email with privacy and security. Since 2001. VFEmail provides businesses and end-users a quick and convenient way to ensure their own security when it...
free and paid email with privacy and security. since 2001.
vfemail provides businesses and endusers a quick and convenient way to ensure their own security when it comes to email.
vfemail scans each complete email, including attachments, for viruses and spam before it gets to your inbox. if a virus is found, it is blocked at the gateway, and isn't even allowed onto the servers. vfemail utilizes greylisting, public and private blacklists, and the awardwinning spamassassin to detect spam, which is then discarded and will only appear in your spam folder if it's potentially legitimate.
Support for IMAP POP3 Support PGP Encryption Gpg encryption
imap-support note-taking imap pop3 calendar task-list pgp-encryption pgp address-book gpg email-hosting anti-spam gpg-encryption smtp mailbox antivirus anti-malware