johns background switcher
John’s Background Switcher (or JBS for short) periodically changes the wallpaper on your computer (like every hour or every day) to something interesting.
Variety is a wallpaper changer for Ubuntu which is featureful, yet slim and very easy to use.
variety is a wallpaper changer for ubuntu which is featureful, yet slim and very easy to use. it can automatically download wallpapers from various online sources, allows rotating them on a regular interval or on demand, and provides easy to use ways to separate the great images from the junk.
notable other features include: showing a nice digital clock on the desktop, applying of various nice image filters to the wallpapers, great visualization of the history and the image folders which allows the user to very easily change the wallpaper manually, ondemand publishing of images to facebook.
variety runs on ubuntu 12.04 and newer, and on most ubuntu variants and derivatives xubuntu, lubuntu, kubuntu, linux mint, and others.
Productivity Games Utilities Phots and Graphics
facebook-integration wallpapers image-filters wallpaper-changer
John’s Background Switcher (or JBS for short) periodically changes the wallpaper on your computer (like every hour or every day) to something interesting.
Freemium Mac OS X Windows
"ALL-IN-ONE" Desktop Related Tools. Feature List : 1. Icon Customizer 2. Logon Screen Changer 3. Screen Capture 4. Wallpaper Changer 5. Extras - OEM...
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Wallpaper Cycler is an easy to use, yet powerful desktop wallpaper manager and changer to get rid of that boring static wallpaper on your desktop. You can change the...
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Wallpaper Master is a powerful and highly customizable desktop wallpaper manager and cycler. Major features - Freeware version: - Store multiple wallpaper lists as...
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SimplyWallpaper is a small and very easy to use wallpaper changer that supports different images on different screens. The application is capable of changing the...
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Color Desker is a Smart Desktop Wallpaper Manager for Windows PCs. It gets the best wallpapers optimized for your screen resolution from the internet and allows you to...
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Moody Desktop is a tiny (77KB), portable application for Windows (XP, Vista and Windows 7) that lets to change desktop wallpaper at a specified time interval. It is...
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Using AutoWallpaper: 1) AutoWallpaper looks to a directory for the images that is chooses from. So first you must click Browse a choose a folder with images in it. ...
Free Open Source Windows Linux
*** Windows Central : "Brilli Wallpaper Changer is the Universal Windows 10 app you have been waiting for!" ***.
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Wanna download automatically every day a new and beautiful wallpaper for your Windows desktop? My Daily Wallpaper automatically download and change your wallpaper...
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Product page for Any Wallpaper, an automatic wallpaper changer, including description, summary of features and screenshots.
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Have tons of wallpapers but cannot make up your mind what to put on your desktop? Do not like to have wallpaper randomizers running in the background and using your...
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