Bootstrap CMS
Modern, open source, fast and secure content management system based on Bootstrap 3 using the latest technology. CMS has been build from Scratch and uses the latest...
Whether it's a private forum for your WoW guild, an employee management system for your small business, or the next big social network, you want to get started on...
whether it's a private forum for your wow guild, an employee management system for your small business, or the next big social network, you want to get started on your awesome new idea as quickly as possible. you don't want to spend your time reinventing user signin and management features for the millionth time. lucky for you userfrosting delivers all of this and more!
userfrosting is a web framework. like other web frameworks, it offers a complete toolbox of programmatic components for building your application.
unlike other frameworks, it's a fullyfunctioning user management application, right out of the box. and, its fully extendable so that you can easily create the custom features you need.
userfrosting is designed to bring new and returning developers up to speed with the modern php community. you'll be comfortably introduced to composer (the dependency manager), objectoriented design patterns, and the php standards recommendations (psr), making your code better structured and easier to manage.
what's more, you'll learn how to use node.js and bower to cleanly manage clientside packages (javascript and css). transform yourself from a code monkey into a software engineer.
php framework php-application php-framework authentication login user-management php-user-login-script user-login-script