uBlock Origin
Popular and efficient blocker for Chromium, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Thunderbird. Fast and lean.
Point & click to forbid/allow any class of requests made by your browser. Use it to block scripts, iframes, ads, facebook, etc. uMatrix: A point-and-click matrix-based firewall, with many privacy-enhancing tools.
point & click to forbid/allow any class of requests made by your browser. use it to block scripts, iframes, ads, facebook, etc.umatrix: a pointandclick matrixbased firewall, with many privacyenhancing tools.
umatrix put you in full control of where your browser is allowed to connect, what type of data it is allowed to download, and what it is allowed to execute. nobody else decides for you: you choose. you are in full control of your privacy.
out of the box, umatrix works in relax blockall/allowexceptionally mode, meaning web sites which require 3rdparty scripts are likely to be "broken". with two clicks, umatrix can be set to work in allowall/blockexceptionally mode, which generally will not break web sites.
regarding the myth that "chromiumbased browsers can't reliably block javascript", see: https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/wiki/blockingjavascriptexecutionreliablyinchromiumbasedbrowsers .
* see all the remote connections, failed or attempted, depending on whether they were blocked or allowed (you decide).
* a singleclick to whitelist/blacklist one or multiple classes of requests according to the destination and type of data (a blocked request will never leave your browser).
* efficient blacklisting: cookies won't leave your browser, javascript won't execute, plugins won't play, tracking pixels won't download, etc.
* you do not have to solely rely on just one particular curated blacklist (arguably with many missing entries) outside which nothing else can be blocked: you are in full control.
* ease of use: umatrix lets you easily whitelist/blacklist net requests which originate from within a web page according to a pointandclick matrix:
domain names (left column)* from very specific* to very generic
type of requests (top row)* cookies* cssrelated resources (stylesheets and web fonts)* images* plugins* scripts* xhr (requests made by scripts)* frames* others
Firefox extension Privacy protection Google Chrome extension Browser based app Opera extension Timer for clearing cache Using public domain lists
Productivity Developer Tools Education and Reference Security Online Services Web Browsers
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Popular and efficient blocker for Chromium, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Thunderbird. Fast and lean.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome Vivaldi Browser Safari Microsoft Edge Pale Moon
Ghostery sees the invisible web - tags, web bugs, pixels and beacons. Ghostery tracks the trackers and gives you a roll-call of the ad networks, behavioral data providers, web publishers, and other companies interested in your activity.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Mac Microsoft Edge
Privacy Badger is a browser-add on tool that analyzes sites to detect and disallow content that tracks you in an objectionable, non-consensual manner.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome Firefox
lightweight ad-blocker and privacy protector for mozilla firefox and thunderbird. all we know the availability of popular adblockers lying around...
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Firefox Thunderbird
Comprehensive privacy tool, bundling ad-blocker, tracker-blocker, and encrypted proxy into one extension.
Freemium Web Chrome Vivaldi Browser Yandex.Browser
Fast and memory efficient content blocking Chrome extension - helps you hide ads, avoid tracking, load pages faster, fight procrastination. Detailed stats - requests count, size etc. Video guide: Video guide: https://youtu .
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome OS Chrome
Ultimate blocker which says no to every network packet until you explicitly allow it. It's AdBlock the other way around, completely. .
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome OS
Prevent your browser from connecting to 3rd party domain without user consent. Increase your privacy, security, and speed by blocking unnecessary requests.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Firefox
AdRemover for Chrome! Block all advertisements on all web pages, even Facebook, Youtube, and Hulu. It works automatically: Just click "Add to Chrome," then...
Free Open Source Windows Chrome OS Chrome Chromium Yandex.Browser
Browse in Peace™ with the simplest, fastest premium native blocker for Safari on iOS. No ads, no tracking. Purify works seamlessly with Safari — right out of the box.
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