FCorp Cleaner++
Cleaner++ is a handy and reliable application designed to perform a quick cleanup Unused registry entries, Junk Files, as well as to uninstall programs from the computer.
TweakNow PowerPack is a fully-integrated suite of utilities that let you fine-tune every aspect of your computers operating system and Web browser.
tweaknow powerpack is a fullyintegrated suite of utilities that let you finetune every aspect of your computers operating system and web browser. the registry cleaner module provides you with a safe and simple way to clean windows registry. to keep your computer always at top performance, we recommend to clean your registry at least once a month. for windows tweaking lovers, the suite provides more than 100 hidden windows settings in the windows secret section. using modules included in this section, you can easily customize your windows like geeks do. the virtual desktop module lets you run as many as four customdesigned desktop configurations simultaneously, allowing you to tailor your computer screen to your mood and your work requirements. last but not least, the suite also gives you a complete picture of all aspects of your computers hardware, including detailed information about your motherboard, processor, video card, memory, hard disk and network.
tweaking analyzer cleaner
Cleaner++ is a handy and reliable application designed to perform a quick cleanup Unused registry entries, Junk Files, as well as to uninstall programs from the computer.
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X-Setup Pro is a so-called "hacker" or "tweaker" program. It allows you to change 1,900 settings that are normally hidden deeply in some...
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As you may have already experienced, Windows 10 may periodically reset the default apps.
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AutoMz Ultimate Tweaker is a powerful automatic system tweaker, for Windows Xp, Vista & 7. It contains more tweaks than Mz Ultimate Tweaker and it applies the best...
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PC Renewer helps you enhance computer by fixing computer errors such as slow pc operation, unknown problem messages, deadlock mistakes, pc freezes and much more. PC...
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PC Reviver is a multi-purpose utility that will diagnose errors on your PC, safely repair them, and provide other maintenance and optimization recommendations. PC...
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Perfect Utilities system suite is a simple and easy-to-use freeware which will optimize your PC and fix computer problems like slow speed, blue screen, deadlock errors...
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PowerSuite is the complete performance solution for your PC. Merging RegistryBooster, DriverScanner and SpeedUpMyPC under a single interface, PowerSuite boosts and...
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If you are having problems with your computer or just want it to run faster and more reliably, the Microsoft Windows Registry is the place to start. So if you want to...
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SuperEasy Registry Cleaner is a registry utility to clear all the clutters from PC. SuperEasy Registry Cleaner increases application response times drastically. A full...
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Find and remove temporary, cache, history and backup files on all your local and network drives. System Cleanup will protect recent used files. Drives and folders can be...
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SystemSuite Professional detects and removes spyware and viruses. It runs more than 100 tests to diagnose and fix computer problems. You will be able to make credit card...
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SystemTweaker is a safe and easy to use tool that lets you customize Windows to your taste. From Start menu tweaks to quick and easy changes to network behaviour...
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Microsoft has increased both the power and complexity of its popular Windows operating system with the release of Windows Vista. Stardock’s TweakVista™ enhancement...
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Is a suite of tools for increasing MS Windows operating system performance. WinTools.net cleanly removes unwanted software from disk drives and dead references from the...
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Wondershare 1-Click PC Care, a powerful PC tune up utility to tune up your PC and let your PC run like new again. This PC tuning software is able to auto diagnose and...
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Amigabit Privacy Cleaner is designed to protect your privacy and personal information by cleaning all your tracks on computer and Internet.
Commercial Windows
Square Privacy Cleaner (SPC) is a fast, powerful, and easy to use privacy protection tool, able to remove all the unwanted history data on your computer. With one simple...
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