Ushare uPnP media server
uShare is a UPnP (TM) A/V & DLNA Media Server. It implements the server component that provides UPnP media devices with information on available multimedia files....
TVersity Media Server is a software package that allows a personal computer to stream content to UPnP devices, such as the Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii, regardless of the codec limitations of the device.
TVersity Media Server is a software package that allows a personal computer to stream content to UPnP devices, such as the Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii, regardless of the codec limitations of the device. For example, the Xbox 360 does not support certain codecs or Internet videos such as YouTube. TVersity Media Server transcodes the video on the PC into a compatible codec and then streams it to the device.
Productivity Games Utilities Video
media-center media-server console upnp playstation-3 transcoder xbox streaming-server