WinMend File Copy
WinMend File Copy is a free and excellent batch file copy tool.It is the best help you can ever get to speed up system backup.
Copy and Paste on Mac at Turbo Speeds with Turbo Copy Pro! Completes features which are missing from Copy and Paste on your Mac - Added Special XLogic to add Turbo speed boost while copying to Portable Drive.
copy and paste on mac at turbo speeds with turbo copy pro! completes features which are missing from copy and paste on your mac added special xlogic to add turbo speed boost while copying to portable drive. warns and allow you to empty space if portable disc is full adds pause / resume option while copying large files adds merge/ replace directory function easy to use and fully integrates into mac copy paste functions
turbo copy pro works as an independent application, which successfully completes the copy function on mac, since the inbuilt copy and paste on mac does not originally include all the requirements of a full and complete copy function, which the turbo copy pro enables on mac and completes the entire copy and paste functions on mac.
turbo copy pro integrates directly in to the copy function on mac finder. you can directly move or paste your items that you have copied with the “finder” with the your current selected directory, which means that you don’t need to make extra selections, as the turbo copy pro integrates directly within the “finder”.whether you like to use the classic mac copy option using (command + v) key combination to initiate the paste option for your files or choose the turbo mode enabled by turbo copy pro using key shortcut: (ctrl + command + v for paste) it is your choice, the turbo copy pro allows you better control on your choices, it’s easy it’s simple, it is definitely efficient! the turbo copy pro allows you to replace/rename or skip, since it can support transfer / merging of various directories. if you have a change of heart during the copying process, with the turbo copy pro, you can pause or cancel the process and undergo another operation if this pleases you. it can happen that you underestimate remaining space while you copy / move the files to portable or flash drives , if that is the case, the turbo copy pro will let you know and gives you the chance to clean up unwanted items and resume copy where you left
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Productivity Utilities File Management
file-copy file-transfer copy-and-paste data-migration copy-manager file-copying