Webian Shell
A full screen web browser for devices that don't need a desktop. Shell is built on Mozilla Chromeless, some of the latest technology from the people who make Firefox.
Tungsten is a simple web browser, with convenience features: * Double rendering engines (Blink and Trident) * Groupable multilevel * Splittable window per group * Local App. capturing * and more ...
Tungsten is a simple web browser, with convenience features: * Double rendering engines (Blink and Trident) * Groupable multilevel * Splittable window per group * Local App. capturing * and more ...
Extensible by Plugins/Extensions Tabbed browsing Tabbed interface Google Chrome extension Skinnable Mouse gestures Multi Engine
Productivity Utilities Education and Reference Video Web Browsers
extensible tabbed-browsing web-browser tabbed-interface chrome-extension skinnable mouse-gestures multi-engine ie-engine