Opera is a browser with innovative features, speed and security. Opera’s vision is to deliver the best Internet experience on any device and the company is committed to support and contribute to open standards.
Tungsten is a simple web browser, with convenience features: * Double rendering engines (Blink and Trident) * Groupable multilevel * Splittable window per group * Local App. capturing * and more ...
Tungsten is a simple web browser, with convenience features: * Double rendering engines (Blink and Trident) * Groupable multilevel * Splittable window per group * Local App. capturing * and more ...
Extensible by Plugins/Extensions Tabbed browsing Tabbed interface Google Chrome extension Skinnable Mouse gestures Multi Engine
Productivity Utilities Education and Reference Video Web Browsers
extensible tabbed-browsing web-browser tabbed-interface chrome-extension skinnable mouse-gestures multi-engine ie-engine