Kitten Player
Kitten Player is a simple music player, based on foobar2000 functionality. It allows user to view, arrange and download tracks from YouTube.
My main audio player for many years has been, and will remain, foobar, but there are some times when I just want a simple “load’n'play” type of player. An...
my main audio player for many years has been, and will remain, foobar, but there are some times when i just want a simple “load’n'play” type of player. an application that comes very close is billy. it’s a fantastic little app that fits in with my preferences in software design i.e. standard controls, no skins, etc. however, it only supports mp3, wav, ogg, & flac and it also doesn’t display or use tags. unfortunately, my audio collection comprises many more formats than that and i tag files like a man possessed. so, with that in mind, i’ve always wanted to write my own simple player. a good friend and i wrapped the bass audio engine in autohotkey and i’ve written a player called trout.
portable lyrics music-player last.fm-scrobbler libre-fm