Send Anywhere
A cross-platform file sharing service which allows users to easily share digital content peer-to-peer, in real-time, without cloud storage.
TransferBigFiles.com allows computer users to send large files to anyone. Videos, pictures, documents or any other file that is too large to send as an email attachment can be sent through TransferBigFiles.com
TransferBigFiles.com allows computer users to send large files to anyone. Videos, pictures, documents or any other file that is too large to send as an email attachment can be sent through TransferBigFiles.com
Official Website
Share files Drag n drop Google Chrome extension Send Big files Send files
Productivity Social Security Video Web Browsers File Sharing Backup and Sync
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A cross-platform file sharing service which allows users to easily share digital content peer-to-peer, in real-time, without cloud storage.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone Android Tablet Web Windows Phone
Streaming peer-to-peer file transfers from within the browser. No registration required. Please note that the links it creates are intended for a single recipient and will work once.
Free Android Chrome OS Web Chrome