TortoiseGit is an easy to use client for the Git distributed revision control system. TortoiseGit adds shell integration into Windows.
Version control with Git – made easy. In a beautiful, efficient, and powerful app. From Beginner… Learn Git with Tower! We offer a complete learning platform, an in-depth help area, great support… And an unrivaled tool.
version control with git – made easy.in a beautiful, efficient, and powerful app.
from beginner…learn git with tower! we offer a complete learning platform, an indepth help area, great support…and an unrivaled tool.
…to masterdiscard single lines of code. cherrypick commits. work with submodules. use gitsvn and gitflow… tower is as powerful as git – but without the sharp edges.
from confidence…made a mistake? just roll back to a previous version. facing a merge conflict? resolve it in a visual wizard. it worked in the past? easily inspect any file's history.
…to productivitydrag and drop to pull or push. see unsynced commits at a glance. clone repos with a single click. tower helps you get the most out of git – easily and effectively.
Version and Source control Native application
git version-control-system repository-manager source-code-management native-application software-repository git-client git-manager git-managers history-viewer repo-manager