File buddy
File Buddy is best thought of as a collection of tools for managing the vast number of files and folders found on your hard drive. A complete list of what File Buddy can...
TotalFinder brings tabs to your native Finder and more! Other features include dual-panel mode and showing folders before files.
TotalFinder brings tabs to your native Finder and more! Other features include dualpanel mode and showing folders before files.
Tabbed browsing Tabbed interface
Productivity Utilities File Management
tabbed-browsing tabbed-interface file-management tabbed-file-manager finder tabbed-layout
File Buddy is best thought of as a collection of tools for managing the vast number of files and folders found on your hard drive. A complete list of what File Buddy can...
Commercial Mac OS X
Total Manager is Total Commander for Mac version - an all-in-one app to manage loads of files in an efficient way. Total Manager = Archiver / Unarchiver with Password...
Commercial Mac OS X
Web links, business and companies catalogue website to showcase your website products or services, easy free listing submission, user review, rating and feedback, many...
Free Web
Magican File is a professional program for Mac OS X that let you search and manage files on your disks. Search files on disk - Magican File supports files search in...
Free Mac OS X
The first multi-column file manager for Windows! The elegance of the Macintosh for your PC.
Commercial Windows
Beesoft Commander is a two-panel file manager (like Norton Commander) for Linux. He are using a Qt GUI-library. Exists two versions of the program. The version 2.27...
Free Open Source Linux