The Pirate Bay
Known as "the world's most resilient BitTorrent site", The Pirate Bay is a website that lets you search for, download, and upload torrents. Download music, movies, games, software and much more.
Torrent Harvester is a free and useful software that will perform a search for Torrents on multiple websites returning all results in a single list.
torrent harvester is a free and useful software that will perform a search for torrents on multiple websites returning all results in a single list. just enter some text to search on, press enter or click the search button and the list will fill with torrents found. right clicking a torrent in the list will bring up a menu to download the torrent and start your bittorrent client.
torrent harvester eliminates the need to use your web browser to check many torrent sites if you are looking for a particular torrent. this means annoying popups, advertising, spyware and virus threats are eliminated. torrent harvester is also flexible enough to allow for the addition of new search engines, and alteration of existing engines in the case of site redesign.
torrent harvester 0.7b features:
· easily searches a multitude of sites with a single click· returns all results in a single list· download directly from the list, or visit the website source page for complete details· complete filtering and sorting of results, on any column· automatically allows searching and downloading on sites which require user registration, using your systems cookies· complete downloading transparency, with an engine status screen which shows a comprehensive breakdown of exactly what pages torrent harvester is loading and the results from each page· get updates of engines directly from within torrent harvester· create your own engines for your favourite sites using the inbuilt engine designer, and create your own torrent harvester update website to distribute engines you create to other users· completely userdefinable engines, allowing for creation of search engines for a multitude of different sites: torrents, irc, ed2k, cracks, keygens, direct downloads, etc.· complete help every step of the way.· 88 included engines, with more coming all the time via updates
Productivity Games Social Video Online Services File Sharing
Discontinued search-torrent