The Best 50 ToroMovies Alternatives
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With MovieLikers you can search movies, watch trailers, find and share informations and even more.
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Up Next Shows and Movies
Up Next helps you keep track of shows and movies you want to watch! Discover great content your friends are watching. Organize shows and movies with tags. Look up...
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THE IDEA I am a huge fan of movies. There are not many things I enjoy more than sitting together with friends and watching a movie. But if you have seen many movies it...
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Social network for movies. Create your own virtual video library, discover films that have not yet seen, discuss with your friends about movies. All absolutely free....
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ViewerReviews is the next generation social network for sharing movie ratings, reviews and recommendations. Connections are made based on users' common movie...
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Filmsquare, the best place to discover films and get suggestions, based on your preferences & likes. With filmsquare you can get film info, with the help of TMDB...
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Movie TV Info
Find information about any movie, TV show, actor or actress. Watch trailers, read and write comments and get honest reviews of movies and TV shows.