The Best 112 Tonido Alternatives
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Updatestar Online Backup
As a computer user with important files you know you need backups! UpdateStar Online Backup protects your files with a state-of-the-art offsite backup service! Files are encrypted on your computer with an individual 256-bit file encryption...
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Norton Online Backup
Norton Online Backup from Symantec protects your documents, music, videos and digital photos with automated online data backup and restore and file storage services that’s so easy you’ll actually use it. Gives you 25GB of space.
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Keepit Unlimited
With you don't need to know what resolution your camera is and how much space you need. You have unlimited space. Keepit by default creates a backup every day.
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theDataLocker gives you 30GB of free online backup storage allows you to store, backup, retrieve and share any computer data and mobile phone data over the internet to a secured remote system.
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Workshare Connect
Workshare Connect is a secure file sharing and online collaboration tool that enables users to store, share, and collaborate on content. Sync documents across devices for easy access to files, whether working online or offline.
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A safe home for all your data Access & share your files, anytime.. anywhere. We are a group of people, professional at what we do trying to give you the best quality services combining them with the best prices on the market.
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LogMeIn Backup
Protect your customers critical data with automated backup control from LogMeIn Backup. Protect information on your computers with secure, remote backup to storage...
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CommonClip is a super simple file sharing platform. We’ve made it incredibly easy to use and kept only the most essential functions for file sharing. CommonClip lets...
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Sync Backups
The simple way of quickly archiving directories directly to Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive on a fixed schedule from any Windows computer. Key Features Sync and...