Google Keep
Google Keep has several features including color coding notes, inserting images, creating lists, geo-fencing, shareable notes, and search by color.
To Round is an easy-to-use task manager for iOS and Android with clear interface, designed for visual thinkers.
to round advantages focus only on relevant tasks empty your mind in less than two taps visualize your priorities
how it works?a distinctive feature of the app is its interface designed as a funnel with bubbles. each task is a bubble and its priority is determined by the size of the bubble. if the task is completed, it could be closed or postponed by setting up a new deadline. there is also an archive with completed tasks, so you can check up what was done recently.
key featurescalendar. by setting up the date and time when a bubble is shown up in the visual planner, you can easily manage your schedule. your visual planner will always show only current tasks, which helps to concentrate on tasks that should be done right now and plan your agenda accordingly.tags. to differentiate between tasks related to various activities, you can tag each group of tasks. for each tag, you choose a color you like and when a tagged bubble is shown in the funnel you will quickly determine which activity it belongs to by the color of the bubble’s border.task priority. the bigger the bubble the more weight it has, the more important or cumbersome is the thing to be done. yes, it is that simple! to change the size of the ball depending on task importance or duration, simply move the ball size slider to the right giving the task more weight or to the left making the bubble smaller.completed tasks. sometimes there is so much you do during the day that few days later it is hard to remember what have been done already and what is still on the visual planner. with to round, you can see your finished tasks in just oneclick – simply press the checkmark button in the header menu and you will get the full list of accomplished tasks.gamification. you can juggle bubbles as an experienced magician or move them by tilting your smartphone from side to side. widget. if you want an important things to remain visible, add to round widget on the main screen of your smartphone.
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task-manager todo-manager calendar getting-things-done productivity-app productivity-tool