Media Companion
Media Companion is the original free to use Movie/TV Show manager and organizer that offers full XBMC integration.
tinyMediaManager is a media management tool for movies, moviesets and TV shows, especially for use with XBMC & MediaPortal.
tinyMediaManager is a media management tool for movies, moviesets and TV shows, especially for use with XBMC & MediaPortal. It supports importing and exporting of NFO files, downloading of artwork and renaming of media files (along with the corresponding NFOs and artwork). Due to the fact that it is written in Java, tinyMediaManager will run on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX (and possible more OS).
Automatic subtitles download Trakt.tv integration
Productivity Utilities Video File Management
metadata collection movies media-center movie-organizer automatic-subtitles-download movie-catalog media-manager imdb movie-collection movie-manager movie-renamer tmdb trakt-tv-integration xbmc