Understand exactly how you spend your time and attention, with no data entry. Get Smarter with Effortless Time Tracking With no data entry, know exactly what software and sites you’re actively using.
An application that allows to automate and monitor business. Helps in increasing productivity of team by 30% to 40% and save business running cost.
realtime.work.money: productivity and efficiency tool, a cloudbased solution for managing employees work & time.
who can use this: • do you have sales employees? • do you have service employees? • do you want to track location of employees? • do you have office team ?
access your business employee details from anywhere anytime. • realtime location of employees • monitor desktop & mobile activities: any employee wasting office hours on social sites, surfing browsing track them etc • assign and manage work status: no more emails and excel sheets for the task assignment and reports, everything on mobile • maintain dsr reports: manage client information on mobile no more use of pen paper, automate working • chat & share files: coordinate with team, share files avoid communication gapindustry focused:
Official Website
Capture Screen / Take screenshots Workflow Automation Employee Monitoring Record desktop activity GPS Location Tracking
screen-capture file-sharing chat-clients project-management task-manager productivity-tool time-tracking workflow-automation project-planning project-tracking employee-tracking gps-location-tracking record-desktop-activity gps-tracking remote-monitoring call-logs desktop-recorder field-force-management