Understand exactly how you spend your time and attention, with no data entry. Get Smarter with Effortless Time Tracking With no data entry, know exactly what software and sites you’re actively using.
A handy time tracking tool for employees to log the time they spend on their tasks and great software for managers and bookkeepers to...
time worked is a component for joomla! cms. just installing it into a plain joomla will give you a great readytouse tool for tracking time spent on some tasks.
the component can be used for any type of business where employees are paid hourly and/or clients are charged hourly.
briefly the component offers the following:
— a convenient functionality for reporting worked hours that includes a calendar with previously logged time.— filter that allows generating reports by clients, projects, and employers for a certain period of time.— ability for the administrator to reject reported time requesting changes or mark reported items as not billable.— ability to add different types of hours worked (overtime, weekend, etc.).— recent reports statistics per employee and per project (current week, last week, last month, etc.).— exporting reports into excel.— reports printer friendly version.— leaves management. adding leaves by employees, approving by administrators.— automated notifications for employees about not submitted reports.— it industry specific options (ticket ids).— support of joomla! user groups and permissions.— plenty of nice options.
time-tracking timesheets