Media Companion
Media Companion is the original free to use Movie/TV Show manager and organizer that offers full XBMC integration.
Automatically rename and organize your TV shows and Movies. Also moves them to your Media Library! TV Series Episodes and Movie File Renamer works with IMDb.com, TV.com, theTVDB.com, EPGUIDES.
Automatically rename and organize your TV shows and Movies. Also moves them to your Media Library!TV Series Episodes and Movie File Renamer works with IMDb.com, TV.com, theTVDB.com, EPGUIDES.com and MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) from WikiPedia.
theRenamer renames your TV or Movie files into a neat and orderly format.....and adds in the TV show episodes titles!
Productivity Video File Management
tv-shows imdb file-renamer movie-renamer episode-renamer movies-feature