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TextWrangler is the powerful general purpose text editor, and Unix and server administrator’s tool. At its most basic, a text editor is a tool for simply editing text.
Textastic is a text editor for iPhone, iPad and Mac with rich support for syntax highlighting, FTP, SFTP and Dropbox. FEATURES • Syntax highlighting of more than...
textastic is a text editor for iphone, ipad and mac with rich support for syntax highlighting, ftp, sftp and dropbox.
• syntax highlighting of more than 80 languages:html, xml, markdown, objectivec, c++, php, perl, python, sql, javascript, css, shell scripts and many more (full list available on the website)• compatible with textmate syntax definitions and themes• code completion for html, css, javascript and php functions• ftp, ftps (ftp over ssl), sftp (ssh connection), webdav and dropbox clients• icloud• webdav server• symbol list to quickly navigate in a file• full external keyboard support• displays additional keys over the virtual keyboard to make it easy to type characters often used for programming• easily move the cursor using swipe gestures• supports most encodings like utf8, iso88591, cp 1251 or macroman• supports different tab widths and soft tabs (spaces instead of tabs)• customizable font and font sizes• undo & redo• find & replace• file information like character count and word count• send files by email• local and remote web preview for html and markdown files• supports textexpander touch snippet expansion
Support for FTP Dropbox integration Syntax Highlighting Support for SFTP Local Storage
ftp-support text-editor javascript dropbox-integration syntax-highlighting css sftp local-storage code-editor html programming ide