UserReport is a free online service that enables website owners to make quick and fun online surveys and collect user feedback with the online feedback button and forum.
Tender Support organizes your customer care so you can focus on delivering the best service possible. We collect all your support requests and funnel them into your Tender site. From email, from the web, and from anywhere you can dream.
tender support organizes your customer care so you can focus on delivering the best service possible.
we collect all your support requests and funnel them into your tender site. from email, from the web, and from anywhere you can dream. tender organizes your support in a simple way that makes sure you respond to every customer. while we make sure tender is beautiful in it’s default skin, we allow full customization. make your support site feel like your brand, on your own domain.
Productivity Social Business and Commerce
software-as-a-service on-demand forums helpdesk customer-feedback knowledge-base business-rating