Guerrilla Mail
Guerrilla Mail gives you a disposable email address. You can give your email address to whomever you don't trust. You can read the email using Guerrilla Mail, click on any confirmation link, and even reply. .
Your Temporary email / Trashmail / Disposable email address. Tempr.email is a service for temporary email addresses (Temp mail), also called trashmail addresses or fake email addresses.
your temporary email / trashmail / disposable email address.
tempr.email is a service for temporary email addresses (temp mail), also called trashmail addresses or fake email addresses. the service was founded in 2004, at that time still under discardmail.com and later spambog.com. tempr.email is thus one of the oldest temporary email addresses / trashmail services on the internet and is unique with its enormous functionalities! speed and reliability is the main requirement of the tempr.email. with a large & distributed server architecture and a specially developed mail server, is the use of own domains, the killer feature of tempr.email.
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