Scrum Time
A system for managing projects and personnel. Service is based on versatile technologies such as Scrum and Kanban, which are used by Toyota, Microsoft, Nokia and many...
TeamAssistant is a tool to immediately improve the management of the teamwork of your work team. Simple and safe, the teamwork from anywhere. Manage teamwork of his...
teamassistant is a tool to immediately improve the management of the teamwork of your work teamas it does?:1. remains permanently connected and informed all team members by using a messaging system between smartphone or tablets, transparent to the user and whether they are online or not.2. creates and organizes projects, forms the teams and assigns responsibilities3. generated and automatically distributes a work schedule, which can be incorporated into personal calendars4. automatically informs the work plans and updates, changes or progress in the development of activities5. automatically informs about comments made by team members to activities and documents produced6. centralized database to share documents, videos and images7. integra different form of communication between team members working8. provides an executive summary of the status of each project and the status of commitments by each member.
project-management task-management task-manager groupware productivity-tool project-manager project-collaboration inform organize-work-plan share-file