Automate Your Android! With AutomateIt, you can define a set of your desired behaviors in response to events on your Android device. The pro version of AutomateIt...
Tasker is an application for Android which performs Tasks (sets of Actions) based on Contexts (application, time, date, location, event, gesture) in user-defined Profiles, or in clickable or timer home screen widgets.
tasker is an application for android which performs tasks (sets of actions) based on contexts (application, time, date, location, event, gesture) in userdefined profiles, or in clickable or timer home screen widgets.this simple concept profoundly extends your control of your android device and its capabilities, without the need for root or a special home screen.
there are currently more than 190 builtin actions available in 14 categories. alert: flash, menu, notify led/sound/vibrate, cancel notification, popup timed/withtaskbuttons, set light (leds,camera,keyboard,buttons etc root only), torch, vibrate, vibrate patternapp: calendar insert, go home, kill app, load app, open map (/streetview/navigate), set alarmaudio: alarm/call/dtmf/media/notification/ringer/system volume, haptic feedback toggle, microphone mute, notification pulse, notification/ringer vibrate, silent mode, speakerphone, sound effects toggledisplay: autobrightness, car mode, close system dialogs, keyguard, keyguard pattern, night mode, display brightness, display off timeout, display rotation, set wallpaper, stay on, status bar (expand/collapse)encrypt (not in market version): file/directory encrypt/decrypt,enter/set/clear passphrasefile: browse files, directory create/delete/move, file copy/delete/move/open, list files, write to file, read line, read paragraph, remount (fs), zip/unzip fileinput: button, dpad, type (root only), get voice, input method select, soft keyboard (show), voice commandmedia: media button events (grab), media player control, music file/dir, play/forward/back/stop, photo/series/timeseries, record audio, record audio stop, default ringtone, play ringtone, scan cardmisc: (broadcast) action intent, component intent, get location, gps set (<2.3 or cyanogen/submod), run (sl4a) script, run shell, say, say to file, shut up, search for, set clipboard, reboot (root only), set cpu (root only) set timezone, test
tasks automated-tasks automation perform-actions-on-condition settings
Automate Your Android! With AutomateIt, you can define a set of your desired behaviors in response to events on your Android device. The pro version of AutomateIt...
Freemium Android
Automagic Premium is the magic wand to automate your Android device. Automagic Premium helps to automate many operations, for example: -change settings depending on...
Commercial Android Android Tablet
Smarteroid RuleMaker makes your Android device smarter. RuleMaker with its simple interface helps you to create 'Spells' such as " When the device is shaken...
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Let Your phone work for you. Situations is the easiest way to have the smart in your smartphone! Situations is an application that makes your device work for you. It...
Freemium Android S60 MeeGo
Alloy greatly simplifies launching and organizing of apps, actions and complex workflows. It combines the best of two worlds: ? Advanced launcher with dynamic favorites...
Schedule any app to start at any time. Will wake device from sleep if necessary. Licensed under GPLv2, available on F-Droid.
Free Open Source Android
Automate repetitive tasks on your iPhone in an all-in-one iOS application. Turn monotonous tasks into one tap actions, set reminders based on a date or location options...
Commercial iPhone iPad
Take full control with Custom Alerting, Call Silencing, Location Services and more! Find yourself constantly changing the settings on your iPhone depending on what...
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