UV Outliner
UV Outliner is a small and powerful single-pane outliner. It is intended for creating, organizing, and collecting information.
Taskcode is a task manager with a unique data input system. Unlike other reminder apps, where the user constantly have to tap from one option to another, Taskcode allows...
taskcode is a task manager with a unique data input system. unlike other reminder apps, where the user constantly have to tap from one option to another, taskcode allows the easiest way of specifying all attributes of a reminder like due date, time, subtasks, title, repeat function etc. simply by typing. this allows for a much quicker and efficient way of inputting data.
there are 6 simple codes, a user can use in combination to set reminders:
“ ” for title# for due date@ for due time$ for repeat functionality% for subtasks* for color of a tile
any text without these codes will be saved as a simple note.detailed tutorial and walkthrough tutorial are available inside the app.
added features include:
• auto suggestion for codes• code & color shortcut drawer• dark theme & white theme• snooze control • multiselect for batch actions• archiving of tiles and more
note-taking task-management todo-manager organizer productivity-tool
UV Outliner is a small and powerful single-pane outliner. It is intended for creating, organizing, and collecting information.
Free Windows
Feature rich kanban board collaboration platform. Fun UI, super fast, allows you to comment on to do list items, awesome activity feed and inbox tools to keep an eye on things. Mobile friendly iOS + Android.
Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Chrome OS Web