Parrot Security OS
Parrot is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian Testing and designed with Security, Development, and Privacy in mind. It includes a full portable laboratory for...
Tails is a Debian based live CD/USB with the goal of providing complete Internet anonymity for the user.
the amnesic incognito live system (tails) is a debian based live cd/usb with the goal of providing complete internet anonymity for the user. the product ships with several internet applications, including web browser, irc client, mail client and instant messenger, all preconfigured with security in mind and with all traffic anonymised. to achieve this, incognito uses the tor network to make internet traffic very hard to trace.
Privacy focused Encrypted chat Anonymity PGP Encryption Support for TOR Based on Debian Compatible with TrueCrypt
Productivity Developer Tools Utilities Security File Sharing Cryptocurrencies
privacy-focused encrypted-chat anonymity file-encryption pgp-encryption operating-system cryptography tor-support debian-based tor live-cd live-usb cryptographic truecrypt-compatible