Tag everything on your desktop like files, images, movies or music by simply using tags. 3 languages: english, german, espanol.
tag everything on your desktop like files, images, movies or music by simply using tags. 3 languages: english, german, espanol.tag2find can be integrated everywhere where you need it in the taskbar, in explorer, in internet explorer or even in a floating position, but it does not run in 64bitsystems. tag wherever you are. tag files using the files context menu, drag&drop it to the next tag2find toolbar, the floating tagbox, the tagbrowser.
new file monitoring:get automatically informed by tag2find as soon as you create or download new files. "new file monitor" will watch certain folders (which you can define) for new files of a certain type (we provide you with a good set to start with).
whenever a new file is created in such a location, you will be notified by a small popup that there is a new file and you can now quickly and easily assign your tags to this file or lad them into tagbrowser.
tagging Discontinued tag-based-file-management