Call Me Private
Call Me Private masks your phone number behind a virtual number, for privacy, or for a professional look for your business.
Tackle – Phone System For Your Business. The essence of Tackle is a simple phone system that routes a 1-800 number to your phone(s) – that's it. Why Do People...
tackle – phone system for your business. the essence of tackle is a simple phone system that routes a 1800 number to your phone(s) – that's it.
why do people chose tackle over grasshopper / ring central?pricing is very straightforward & payasyougo – $50/mo, that's it. no hidden number fees. it's $50/mo whether you have 30 phones, or 1 phone.
setup and going live takes 60 seconds. yes, a lot of our competitors say this, but tackle is as simple as picking as: signing up, picking a 1800 number, and letting us know which phones to ring. we handle the rest.
(this is what our actual signup process looks like)
analytics that give meaning.
with our analytics, we'll give you a detailed understanding on which of who's calling you, average call length, successful/failed calls, and even help you understand who, from all your agents are picking up the most.
adding/removing numbers to route to is a blisswhether you want to add more numbers to route to, when a person calls, or less, it's as easy as just adding a number. no mobile app required.
extensions & call schedules – 1 click away unlike many of the solutions that add a ton of features to extensions and call schedules, it's uber simple to add extensions to tackle.
adding an extension – add a number & name it.
how our schedules work
record calls, proffesionallyrecordedforyou greeting & voicemail message, and many more tricks
if you do decide to give tackle a go, not only will it work like a bliss, but we also have a control panel which allows you take advantage of our free range of awesome tricks & features, including:
> professionally recorded greeting & voicemail message, by a voiceover artist, done for you!> accept voicemail when none of your employees are around to take the 3am call. > record calls to reuse them as training material
and much more!