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Tabula is a tool for liberating data tables locked inside PDF files. Extract tables from PDFs.
how can tabula help me?if you’ve ever tried to do anything with data provided to you in pdfs, you know how painful it is — there's no easy way to copyandpaste rows of data out of pdf files. tabula allows you to extract that data into a csv or microsoft excel spreadsheet using a simple, easytouse interface. tabula works on mac, windows and linux.
who uses tabula?tabula is used to power investigative reporting at news organizations of all sizes, including propublica, the times of london, foreign policy, la nación (argentina), the new york times and the st. paul (mn) pioneer press.
grassroots organizations like schoolcuts.org rely on tabula to turn clunky documents into humanfriendly public resources.
and researchers of all kinds use tabula to turn pdf reports into excel spreadsheets, csvs, and json files for use in analysis and database applications.
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