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File Explorer
File Explorer, previously known as Windows Explorer, is a file manager application that is included with releases of the Microsoft Windows operating system from Windows 95 onwards.
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One Commander
Free dual-pane file manager for Windows featuring tabs, columns, themes, long filename support, image converter, regex renaming and many other unique features.
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TotalFinder brings tabs to your native Finder and more! Other features include dual-panel mode and showing folders before files.
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My Commander
My Commander (MyCO) is "the small - smarter - fastest file manager in the world", archiver and ISO creator for Windows 7. Small and smart, MyCO uses less of your computer's memory while it's running.
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Just Manager
Just Manager is a feature packed, versatile, multi-tabbed multi-pane file manager for the Windows operating system. It is available in both x86 and x64 versions. Despite its many features it is relatively small and efficient.
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We tabbified your current Windows File Explorer by wrapping BrightExplorer around it, and added other advanced functionality for example a brand new favourite panel!
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Replace standard Windows Explorer with SE-Explorer - simple and powerful dual panel file manager with tabbed interface and lots of build-in viewers.
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Magican File
Magican File is a professional program for Mac OS X that let you search and manage files on your disks. Search files on disk - Magican File supports files search in...