The Best 71 Systweak Disk Analyzer Pro Alternatives

  • FolderSizes

    FolderSizes provides an engaging, interactive disk space analysis experience that you must try yourself to truly appreciate. More than just a series of diverse reports...

    Commercial Windows

  • Folder Size (by Brio)

    Folder Size for Windows adds a new column to the Details view in Windows Explorer. The new column shows not only the size of files, but also the size of folders.

    Free Open Source Windows

  • Xinorbis

    Xinorbis is a completely FREE, powerful Windows-based data storage analyser for single users or network administrators. Provides an instant visual display of the contents of a hard disk, single or multiple directories.

    Free Windows

  • WhatSize

    WhatSize is a simple tool that allows the user to quickly measure the size in bytes of a given folder and all subfolders and files within it. You would be surprised at...

    Commercial Mac OS X

  • RidNacs

    RidNacs is a very fast disk space usage analyzer for Microsoft Windows. It scans your local drives, network drives or single directories and produces a tree view with a...

    Free Windows

  • OmniDiskSweeper

    OmniDiskSweeper is a Mac OS X utility for quickly finding and deleting big, useless files and making space on your hard disks. OmniDiskSweeper scans your disks and...

    Free Mac OS X

  • K4DirStat

    k4dirstat, fork of kdirstat , is a small utility program that sums up disk usage for directory trees, very much like the unix 'du' command.

    Free Open Source Linux KDE

  • HDGraph

    HDGraph helps you to free disk space : it finds for you the largest folders on your drive. Its a free tool allowing to graphically display the hard disk space usage...

    Free Windows

  • Disk Space Fan

    Disk Space Fan is a powerful disk space analysis tool for Windows and it is a freeware. It helps you to free up disk space by quickly finding and deleting big, useless...

    Commercial Windows

  • DiskSavvy

    DiskSavvy is a free, fast and easy-to-use disk space analyzer utility allowing one to analyze disk usage in one or more disks, directories, network shares and/or NAS...

    Freemium Windows

  • TDP x-Ray

    "TDP x-Ray is a visual tool intended for disk space administration. Displaying a clear graph showing the disk occupation, in which it is apparent immediately which...

    Freemium Windows

  • Folder Size Explorer

    Folder Size Explorer is a simple and free Windows Explorer clone with the added ability to calculate folder sizes.

    Free Windows

  • TreePie

    TreePie : a simple way to display disk usage. It shows the distribution of size in a tree of directories by using an interactive multilevel pie (sunburst diagram). Really small and simple.

    Free Open Source Windows

  • Disk Xray

    Disk Xray is a disk usage statistics viewer, duplicate files/folders finder and cleanup tool for Mac OS X. Disk Xray consists of three modules: 1. Folder scanner is...

    Commercial Mac OS X

  • FolderSize.WPF

    FolderSize is intended to be a simple application to determine what folders takes up place on your machine and to present it to you graphically

    Free Windows

  • GetFolderSize

    GetFoldersize allows you to determine the size of folders and sub-folders on your hard drive. Determine which programs are taking up your hard disk space. For each...

    Free Windows

  • UtilStudio Disk Space Finder

    UtilStudio Disk Space Finder is a simple tool that you can use to find the files that occupy the most space on your computer.

    Freemium Windows

  • DiskReport allow to generate an online report of disk space usage. Periodic run allow reports of size and file count variation, usefull to find growing files or directory.

    Freemium Windows Linux