Tiny Tiny RSS
Web-based news feed aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible.
SwarmIQ is a Web-based Feed Aggregator that helps users manage, monitor and curate their RSS feeds with a set of compelling free and premium tools.
swarmiq is a webbased feed aggregator that helps users manage, monitor and curate their rss feeds with a set of compelling free and premium tools.
we provide a highly customizable user interface through our app dashboard, where users can control what features they'd like to install or remove, giving them easy access to what they want and removing unwanted options from their user experience.
e.g. news readers are likely interested in our keyboard shortcuts and tagging (organizing items by custom label) functionality, social media professionals would like our social and sharing options, decision makers and journalists interested in monitoring for a particular topic would like our fulltext search and keywordbased filtering capabilities.
we offer a free and a $5 / month (or $45 / year) premium version of our service. a free account comes with the ability to setup upto 200 feeds, folders to organize your feeds and 3 apps:
a. social for sharing and discovering new content,
b. keyboard shortcuts to quickly skim through items and boost productivity,
c. tags to organize items by custom label.
the premium account comes with unlimited feeds and 4 premium apps:
a. fulltext search of a user's items, favorites or the entire swarmiq feed ecosystem,
b. keywordbased filters to monitor content for specific topics,
c. email alerts to get timely notifications when new items show up for your filters or feeds, and
d. our saveitlater app that helps users save or share interesting content across 10+ different services including google+, evernote and instapaper.
premium accounts also get ongoing access to newly developed premium apps.
Productivity Social Books News
tagging read-later rss-feed-reader search-tool social-news news-aggregator filtering alerts keyboard-shortcuts filter-rss pocket-integration