SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance) is a free-software, fast and efficient Learning Management System (LMS) for distance learning and teaching management. It has been developed and used at the University of Granada (Spain) since 1999.
Open Source
swad (shared workspace at a distance) is a freesoftware, fast and efficient learning management system (lms) for distance learning and teaching management. it has been developed and used at the university of granada (spain) since 1999. since 2012 it is used in other universities and also in the cloud (https://openswad.org/ )
swad integrates into a web tool various functions to support learning, teaching and management of data from students and teachers. these include access to information on the courses (teaching guide, timetables, bibliography,...), documents storage (notes, presentations, problems, practice outlines...), lists and record cards of students and teachers, discussion forums, assignments, student's selfassessment through interactive tests, and individual consultation of marks. some of its main features are also available as an app for android mobile devices: swadroid https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=es.ugr.swad.swadroid
LMS Collaborator allow to learn and collaborate during e-learning. It is a complex web based tool for e-learning and staff development. User management, e-learning environment, communication tools, knowledge base and many more features.
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