thunderbird is a free, open source, cross-platform e-mail, news and instant messaging client. the project strategy is modeled after mozilla firefox.
The sushi IRC suite consists of a central daemon and several clients, which communicate via DBus. The daemon -- maki -- provides DBus methods and signals that...
the sushi irc suite consists of a central daemon and several clients, which communicate via dbus.
the daemon maki provides dbus methods and signals that abstract the irc protocol to make it more pleasant to use.consequently, clients using this interface can focus on providing a good user experience instead of worrying about implementation details of the irc protocol.for example, this interface could also be used to easily write irc bots in any language that supports dbus.
the suite currently provides a graphical client for gtk tekka as well as one for the terminal nigiri.
Productivity Developer Tools Social
irc irc-client irc-daemon multiple-ui