OpenSesame is a graphical, open-source experiment builder for the social sciences. It sports a modern and intuitive user interface that allows you to build complex experiments with a minimum of effort.
SuperLab 4 is the stimulus presentation software for Mac OS X (10.4 or later) and Windows 7/Vista/XP. In development for almost five years, the new SuperLab 4...
superlab 4 is the stimulus presentation software for mac os x (10.4 or later) and windows 7/vista/xp. in development for almost five years, the new superlab 4 introduces a host of new features, including:
playing movies
stimulus lists
support for jpeg, gif, png, and tiff files
builtin support for rsvp and selfpaced reading
improved support for fmri and eeg/erp
trial variables
conditional branching (if/then/else)
multiple input devices in the same experiment
the new version 4 is a 100% rewrite of superlab and was built from the ground up as a unicode application that handles japanese, chinese, and other international fonts just as easily as it handles english fonts.
superlab 4 remains, without any doubt, the easiest way to build an experiment while eliminating nearly all the limitations found in earlier versions.
presentation-maker psychology experiments attention perception priming reaction-time