OpenSesame is a graphical, open-source experiment builder for the social sciences. It sports a modern and intuitive user interface that allows you to build complex experiments with a minimum of effort.
Flexible and millisecond accurate stimulus presentation for cognitive neuroscience, psychology and linguistics research. Build your experiments using Paradigm's...
flexible and millisecond accurate stimulus presentation for cognitive neuroscience, psychology and linguistics research. build your experiments using paradigm's simple drag and drop interface. presents text, images, sounds, movies, feedback, selfpaced reading trials and rating scales. an integrated python scripting interface is available to ensure total flexibility and control. joystick and microphone response are available. supports button boxes from pst, cedrus, forp.
paradigm also offers drag and drop integration with a wide variety of eeg systems including: brainproducts, neuroscan, biosemi, ant and biopac as well as integration with asl eye trackers.
you can distribute your experiments for free using our paradigm player app. dropbox integration allows you to distribute experiments and collect data from remote sites.
paradigm includes sample experiments that implement many of the most popular experiment designs.
python experiment-generator psychology autism linguistics attention eye-tracking neuroscience perception reaction-time auditory biopac cognitive-neuroscience eeg experimental-control fmri medical-filing stimulus-presentation