PixelStyle Photo Editor for Mac is an all-in-one photo editing and graphic design software, providing professional high-quality photo processing tools to edit the photos, enhance and touch up photos on Mac OS X.
Sumo Paint is a powerful image editor with a long-standing history as a fully capable Photoshop clone in the browser.
sumo paint is a powerful image editor with a longstanding history as a fully capable photoshop clone in the browser. being designed for the browser, it's accessible on practically any system and loads much faster than most comparable desktop tools while still providing core commercial features like layerbased editing with layer effects, multiple builtin filter effects and color adjustment tools.
layerbased editing and compositing (darken/lighten, multiple, burn, etc)layer effects (drop shadow, inner shadow, inner/outer glow, etc)color adjustments (brightness/contrast, levels, etc)filter effects (blur, distort, edge detection, etc)multilanguage support
Official Website
Productivity Phots and Graphics
illustration image-editing digital-painting images