Atollon Lagoon
The most modern productivity & collaboration seamlessly integrated with CRM, easily customizable to organization requirements, whose main business activity is professional services or project management.
SuiteCRM provides an enterprise-grade Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application to a global community of users and software developers. It is a robust and credible alternative to Salesforce, Microsoft and the major CRM vendors.
suitecrm provides an enterprisegrade customer relationship management (crm) application to a global community of users and software developers. it is a robust and credible alternative to salesforce, microsoft and the major crm vendors.
available as a hosted service (paid) or selfhosted (opensource).
suitecrm is completely open source and follows an open source development and business model. all the code is published under open source licenses. we believe that open source is the future for software applications and leads to higher quality software and greater innovation.
Official Website
Productivity Social Business and Commerce